Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Tuesday, February 16

Tabata This
tabata: row, squat, pull-up, push-up, sit-up, with 1 min rest on exercise changeover
rxed 336

This was a 'just get through it' wod for me. I somehow pulled or strained a muscle in my back over the weekend. I don't know how I got injured it because I didn't feel it until Monday morning. I didn't really push myself but it still wasn't easy.

Sunday, February 14

Midwest Sectional workout 1:
20 Thrusters, 20 Sumo deadlift high pulls, 20 Push jerks, 20 Overhead squats, 20 Front squats, with 4 burpees at the beginning of each minute
not rxed 6:00

My wife did this with just 35lbs, so I tried it with the same weight. The guys weight was 95 and one guy did it in less than 4 min. I'm amazed at how fast some people can do these exercises.

Saturday, February 13, 2010

Saturday, February 13

Strength- Deadlift 5 on the minute for 10 minutes
8 rounds and 2 deadlifts at 275lbs

I flew through the first 3 rounds, but my grip started to give out from there. I just couldn't recover fast enough to make it through the 9th minute.

Stength 2- Back Squat 2-2-2-2-2-2-2-2-2-2 with one minute rest between sets

Way too easy. I haven't been doing enough squats lately and in the warmup 185 felt heavy so I stuck with it. My original plan was to do 215, I should have stuck with the plan.


This sucked. 36 seconds slower than my PR! Row was 3:53.7 (~8sec faster than pr), thrusters 6:50 (~30sec slower), pull-ups 8:41 (~6sec slower). I sucked it up on the thrusters, 80% mental.

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

2-10-10 WOD
2rnd rt arm barbell push-press 12rep, left arm deadlift 12rep, run 800m, lt arm barbell push-press 12rep, rt arm deadlift 12rep, run 800m
not rxed, 29:44

This was a main site wod. I'm not sure if there were prescribed weights. I chose 45 for the push-press. I chose a light weight because I didn't want to injure my arm, but threat of injury didn't turn out to be a problem. The weight was just hard for my left arm. I had to catch the bar on the decent with my right arm on the decent. I chose 145 lbs for the deadlift but had to drop it too 135 for the second set because I did feel my arm on that one. Single arm deadlifts are tough on the grip. The bar slipped out of my hand twice on the last round (I was sweating a lot). I ran earlier with my sprinters so I substituted row, which I think made it harder. I didn't think that this workout would be easy, but the single arm exercises were still tougher than I thought.

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Tuesday, February 2

Workout 1
Deadlift 5-5-5-5-5
185, 205, 225, 245, 265

Workout 2
Shoulder Press 5-5-5-5-5
85, 95, 100, 105, 110(only 3 reps)

Workout 3
4 Rounds of 15 box jumps 24", 500m row, 2 minute rest
2:37.7, 2:33.2, 2:31.5, 2:24.3

Each round was faster because my box jumps got faster each time. My rows were 1:54, 1:59, 2:00, 1:56. As a sprinter/hurdler I spent most of 20 years doing intervals. So I really liked this workout.

Monday, February 1, 2010

Monday, February 1

6 mins of 100y on the 30s, 4 min rest, 4 mins of 100y on the 30s, 2 min rest, 2 mins of 100y on the 30s

This is a CrossFit Endurance workout. I did it with my sprinters, I reduced the first round to 6 mins from 8 mins and we did it on the feild so we did it in yards instead of meters. I found that it was challenging. What made it tough was that I was talking to my athletes as I ran.

2-1-10 WOD
1 min as many reps as possible:
Body weight deadlift
1 min as many reps as possible:
65lb shoulder press

I did 30 reps for the deadlift. I could have done 35-40 if I didn't re-grip. I did 23 reps for the shoulder press. I should have done more but I didn't. My arm held up well to both exercises. I think that I just need to stay away from explosive movements for a while.

Saturday, January 30

1-29-10 WOD
5 minutes, as many rounds as possible of:
7 push-ups
7 sit-ups
7 squats
7 rounds, 2 situps

This wasn't hard at all, I am slow with both push-ups and sit-ups. A good result would be 10 rounds or greater.